What is Happiness?

Hi Guys, After a long time I am writing this post. Actually, I am busy in my studies But something happened with me which I want to share with You. Today I understood what is happiness.

Today at 1:30 PM, I was looking for a food stall on a road. I was very Hungry because I didn't have breakfast. I couldn't find any shop and suddenly I saw a cake shop. I know this is not the right place where a person can go when they hungry. But I had no choice, So I decided to go.

When I was entering into shop, a girl having age 6-7 yrs stopped me and beg some money. I asked why you need money then she gave a gesture that she was hungry [ actually I was talking in hindi and that girl don't know hindi. she knew only local language that's why she gave gesture]. I told that I will not give you money but I can give you food, is it ok? then she replied Yes. [she shook her head and answered].

Then I entered in shop and suddenly noticed that I don't have much money. Ohh Damn! I forgot my debit card also at room. I checked, I had just 30 rupees in my wallet. I didn't understand what to do... Then I looked at that girl. She was looking me with a smile on her face. Then I looked at pastries and noticed that the lowest price is 25 rupee for a pastry. I couldn't stop myself and bought that pastry in 25 rupee. I came out of the shop and gave it to her. She smiled and gone.

Now I had only 5 rupees and was thinking what I can eat in 5 rupees. [I know you are laughing at me]. After some walk away, I found a grocery shop. I went there and bought a biscuit of 5 rupees [I can purchased only this in 5 rupees]. I ate and started coming back to class. When I was returning again saw that girl. She had that pastry in her hand and her brother was eating from it. she was looking me with a smile. I smiled back and started looking around. But she didn't stop and continued looking at me with a smile.I think she want to say something. Then I saw she was sitting with her parents beside the road. They looked very poor like beggar. I understood all the game. Actually that girl was not hungry, she just want to eat cake from that shop and that's why she was standing outside the shop. Then I looked again that girl, she was still looking me with a smile on her face. I smiled again and went towards my classes.

I don't know where my hunger went. Before this incident I was very hungry because I didn't have breakfast at all. So how I lose my hunger in 5 rupees biscuit? I don't know. But I was happy even I don't know the reason of my happiness. I was just happy to see the smiled face of that girl. her smiled face still in my mind and I will never forget.

Before this incident, I had fed many children in my life but no one has given this type of response. She was not saying anything just smiling smiling smiling. But her eyes told me a lot. I just want to send this message to you because I want that you should also enjoy this happiness. It was very different kind of feeling. So, this is my request to you if next time you see any child to beg please don't give them money. Just fed them because a child beg only when he/she is hungry. They don't want money. Even they don't know the value of money. They only want food.

Hope you will not have bored reading this. Thank You...


  1. Good job ....Keep it up bring more stories like this👍 and follow me too is possible

  2. I must say.. You are very kind hearted..after reading this.. Seriously there are tears in my eyes.. I mean out of happiness may be.. THIS IS CALLED REAL HAPPINESS..

  3. This is called the "joy of giving". Keep spreading the joy through your blog. Good to see you writing here😊 ...continue writing. . With best wishes


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