
Showing posts from August, 2020

Ransomware Ransomware Ransomware !!!

In this modern era Ransomware is something which is the new and peoples don't have any idea what it is and in what way it can harm you. After reading this post you will get a clear idea of this epic word RANSOMWARE . So let's get started... Ransomware is a type of malware that hackers intentionally send to your device(Mobile/PC/Laptop) through social engineering. After malware inserted into your device, it will start encrypting your device data and lock them with a key. That is only known by hackers which had sent malware to your system. To get that key back and decrypt your data hacker will demand some bit currency to pay. After you pay those much of demanded currency you will only get your data to be available for you. Click Here So now the question is how we can secure our data from ransomware attacks?? To accept the truth, we need to be much aware while using the internet. Then only it is possible to be safe from a ransomware attack. Otherwise, it will make a target for you